You never truly leave something, most of the time - we are just taking a break, stepping back in order to gain a new viewpoint.

Hello Everybody, Im back!

Truth be told I almost forgot that I had this blogg. However since my friend Elsa is a fanatic blogger/-reader I decided to find my own old blogg and read it. Reading this blogg I realized that there has been many dark phases throughout a very short period of time. It quite upset me reading about how bad I felt about myself and my selfworth -luckly thats all in the past now.

Ive always been a very honest and open person. Of course there are few who know "the real me" and I tend to think twice before sharing anything too revealing -anything that can risk me getting hurt. Its true that I have a wall that I have built up throughout the years. There has been so many people that have come and gone in my life and frankly, theres not many who have been there all the way. I guess that is all a part of growing up - we filter our friends from our enemies and we learn to appriciate quality over quantitiy.

When I last updated this blogg I had recently been through a terrible break up but been put on track again falling in love with one of my bestfriends. I had also recently moved from Stockholm to Barcelona and started a new life -living by myself, making my own mistakes and being charge of my own life. Now -years later, I am back in Barcelona -although this time with a completely different view point on both myself, my life and those involved in it. I have been here for approx 10 months now. I have sacrified A LOT to be in the position I am now. Having to work on my own persona and building up something of my own. Those who know me well know that this is very hard as I always tend to put others happiness infront of mine. Hard to believe if you would meet me today as I am a completely different girl. Of course; I still love my friends dearly but now I take everyone with a pinch of salt and if they dont enjoy me and my company anymore - I dont go out of my way to change myself. I am not spending time with anymore energy consumers.

Anyway, I cant promise that I will update this blogg regulary, but I kind of miss being able to vent my emotions. Although people think that I am an airhead truth be told I think alot - I just decide to keep alot of it to myself and gather my own conclusions from it. But I hope that you guys (my friends and others) will enjoy reading it and have a little chuckle - because sometimes even I can be funny. 

Hasta ahora. 

elsa säger:

aaawiiihhooooo :*

2013-04-09 | 22:54:05

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