Huddersfield/Leeds aftermath
Kay just sent me the pictures from Huddersfield. I thought I'd give you guys a preview. (Why does that word always make me tingle?)
Houseparty at Ash's & B-Rabbits beloved Brother. (Such a sweetheart) (This is where the boys where throwing shoes at each other and having the mc'n battle)
Extra curricular, Jack Flash & B-Rabbit's gig. Thabo (the one singing intoxicating with jack flash) & Annie, Kay, Jack Flash & Joe
Houseparty at Ash's & B-Rabbits beloved Brother. (Such a sweetheart) (This is where the boys where throwing shoes at each other and having the mc'n battle)
Extra curricular, Jack Flash & B-Rabbit's gig. Thabo (the one singing intoxicating with jack flash) & Annie, Kay, Jack Flash & Joe