You're a sweet dream or a beautiful nightmare. Either way, I dont wanna wake up.

Wow. What a day.

Its been a busy but oh such a fun day today. Woke up at 6am realizing that wait a minute; its 6am and this is when I usually go to bed, so I went to bed again and woke up at 2pm instead haha. The room was completely dark so the birds didnt wake me up so I was well confused this afternoon. Anyway,

Woke up. Had some breakfast and met our housekeepers who turned out to be Russian (what a suprise). We had a little chat about bedsheets for some reason. Since then Ive been wandering around the apartment trying to figure out where is what, Im still getting lost and taking loong detours to the kitchen. After that Daddy came around and we refurnished the room a bit. There's a lot to do still.

After that we celebrated Jordi's birthday with spanish cake, loads of cava and Daddys cooking. You gotta love it! This week is going to be alot of partying for little me (Im not complaning);
Tomorrow: dinner in the city
Thursday: Christmas shopping / Celebration of the Swedish Christmas
Friday: Christmas Eve
Saturday: Christmas celebration with Marias friends

I also just got my new computer with soundsystem into my room. And I think Im in love. Sorry Shiney haha. Its complete with the best speakers in the world. So Im in heaven at the moment. Blasting my music (Yes, Ive had to deal with bassline, dupstep and dnb for a loong time), drinking cava and having a ciggie. It cant get much better than this. Can it?

Anonym säger:

We are so curious! Who is this famous shiney person?!

2009-12-22 | 18:45:29

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